Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (2024)


Magic Weaponis a Sorcery in Dark Souls 3. To cast a sorcery, you must use a Staff or Special Weapons that can cast Sorceries.


Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (1)
Spell Type


Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (2)Focus Cost 25
Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (3)Slots Used 1
Requirements 10 Intelligence
Duration 60 seconds

Sorcery for casters who wield swords.
Reinforces right weapon with magic.

The power of the sorcerer-swordsmen of Vinheim is predicated upon this and Magic Shield.
Many warriors learn sorcery just for this enchantment."

Acquired From

  • Bought fromYoel ofLondor/ Yuria of Londor for 4,500 souls, andOrbeck for 3,000 souls.


  • Adds(Spell Buff x 0.75) magic damage to your weapon's attack power.
    • Damage is applied each time the enemy is hit with the weapon, regardless of the damage of the attack performed.
    • The buff can be identified by its bright blue glow on the affected weapon.
  • Scales withMagicClutch Ring (+15% in PvE, +8% in PvP) and Crown of Dusk (+10%).
  • Lasts 60 seconds, and can be lengthened by the Lingering Dragoncrest Ring
  • Like all weapon buffs, Magic Weapon will only work on weapons with raw, refined,hollow, sharp, heavy, or no infusion.
  • A few weapons and weapon arts have hidden multipliers that slightly lower the buff's damage per hit.
    Namely, Daggers and Paired Weapons display this adjustment.
    Regardless, the buffs always remain efficient.
  • Has upgrades in Great Magic Weapon and Crystal Magic Weapon.

AffinityAural DecoyCast LightChameleonCrystal Magic WeaponCrystal Soul SpearDark EdgeDark OrbDeep SoulFarron DartFarron FlashswordFarron HailFrozen WeaponGreat Deep SoulGreat Farron DartGreat Heavy Soul ArrowGreat Magic ShieldGreat Magic WeaponGreat Soul ArrowGreat Soul DregsHeavy Soul ArrowHidden BodyHidden WeaponHoming Crystal SoulmassHoming SoulmassMagic ShieldOld MoonlightPestilent MistRepairSnap FreezeSoul ArrowSoul DartSoul GreatswordSoul SpearSoul StreamSpookTwisted Wall of LightWhite Dragon Breath

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Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (4)

    • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (5)


      22 Jan 2024 19:33

      Obtained super early from Yoel compared to all other weapon buffs and lasts 90 seconds. Actually awesome.

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      Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (6)

      • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (7)


        04 Nov 2023 07:57

        i like using these spells on raw wepons with pure int builds

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        Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (8)

        • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (9)


          20 Dec 2021 17:42

          I wish you could have a weapon in your left hand and a stave in your right hand, and still enchant the offhand weapon. It would allow for that Gandalf feel

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          Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (10)

          • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (11)


            18 Sep 2021 03:44

            The article is wrong, regular magic weapon lasts 90 seconds instead of 60,
            while the great magic weapon only lasts 60 seconds

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            Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (12)

            • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (13)


              11 May 2021 02:43

              Haha lightsaber go brrrr

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              Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (14)

              • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (15)


                30 Apr 2021 03:55

                Magic Weapon in this game is arguably a better option than Great or Crystal versions.

                With 200 Spellbuff you should get:

                Magic Weapon (*.75, 25 FP, 90 seconds): 150 AR

                Great MW (*.85, 35 FP, 60 seconds): 170 AR

                Crystal MW (*.95, 45 FP, 60 seconds): 190 AR

                This means Crystal only provides 20% more Spellbuff to AR, but costs almost double and the duration is 30 seconds less than regular Magic Weapon.

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                Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (16)

                • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (17)


                  21 Jun 2020 01:51

                  is it possible to use this on your own staff to make a melee whack do actual damage?

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                  Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (18)

                  • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (19)


                    02 Feb 2020 16:29

                    does this work on Soul Greatword?

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                    Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (20)

                    • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (21)


                      01 Dec 2018 12:17

                      "Like all weapon buffs, Magic Weapon will only work on weapons with raw, hollow, sharp, heavy, or no infusion." I know refined is a bad infusion on many weapons but come on...

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                      Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (22)

                      • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (23)


                        23 Jul 2018 03:54

                        So I did a little light testing with this on an uninfused claymore and prebuff was 212 damage and post buff was 171 damage, can anyone explain why or did my game bug out.

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                        Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (24)

                        • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (25)


                          27 May 2018 09:19

                          Im on pc,how to i spell buff my weapon?What do i press?

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                          Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (26)

                          • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (27)


                            29 Apr 2018 00:09

                            With 10 Intelligence, does Magic Weapon add more AR than Carthus Flame Arc at 10 intelligence and 10 faith?

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                            Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (28)

                            • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (29)


                              08 Mar 2018 04:25

                              Type "Duartion" should be Duration

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                              Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (30)

                              • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (31)


                                30 Dec 2017 05:46

                                After testing multiple weapons with this spell and carthus flame arc using R1 R2 and even L2 all for paired and unpaired if weapon is pairrable the following conclusions hold:

                                1) Magic weapon dmg is not affected by wether or not you can actually weild the weapon i had a 27 dmg buff for straight swords and UGS and Axe wether i had the att needed or not.

                                2) daggers receive only 60% of the dmg buff meaning if my straight sword gains 27 dmg my daggers gain 15 dmg (nunbers are from testing)

                                3) red hilted halberd gained 17 dmg for R1 while lucern and winged knight halberd gained 21 dmg for R2 but oddly R2 for all these 3 weapons gained the regular 27 dmg so halberds were a bit unconclusive

                                4)all pairable weapons when paired gained 16 dmg buff per hit meaning a totla of 32just like daggers so 60% of the regular dmg buff.

                                5) i have 10 int my staff has spell buff of 100 and dmg added is only 27 though the spell as stated in this wiki adds spell buff*0.75=75 very weird. My staff is sorcerer staff +1. And my pyro flame +4 with spell buff of 115 gives 46 dmg which is spell buff*0.4 though the wiki says it adds spell buff*0.81

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                                Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (32)

                                • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (33)


                                  10 Jun 2017 11:23

                                  I'm running a melee build and am wondering if it's worth putting one point into int just to use this.
                                  With 10 int, does the buff give substantially more damage than just pine resin?

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                                  Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (34)

                                  • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (35)


                                    11 May 2017 03:49

                                    Help! I can't summon it with the basic sorcerer's staff! Do I need a better one??

                                    ReplyReplies (1)


                                    Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (36)

                                    • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (37)Westy96

                                      09 Mar 2017 10:42

                                      This is great for a low level invasions build. sl20 and throw this on a raw flamberge and you've got some meaty damage; however, you'll either have to 2-hand the flamberge, use a stat boosting ring, invest less into health or you'll be a higher sl.

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                                      Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (38)

                                      • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (39)


                                        16 Feb 2017 17:49

                                        It seems this spell (and probably all other weapon buff spells) are less effective when applied to weapons of the Dagger type. I just did some testing to confirm this, I feel like it should be added to the notes of the spell (and all other spells after confirmation).

                                        My testing : (at 35int, 40dex, 12str, 12fth, on the hollows at Cemetery of Ash)
                                        Dagger, Brigand Twin Daggers, Mail Breaker, Corvian Greatknife, Rotten Ghru Dagger -&gt; 41 gained when buffed
                                        Dark Sword, Broadsword, Manikin Claws, Crow Talons -&gt; 66 gained when buffed

                                        Same results were obtained with Carthus Flame Arc

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                                        Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (40)

                                        • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (41)


                                          27 Apr 2016 15:20

                                          can someone help me with where i could find my magicbonus?

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                                          Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (42)

                                          • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (43)


                                            24 Apr 2016 09:40

                                            I'm assuming because it's a flat damage bost that for pure mage builds it works best with fast hitting raw weapons, like twin blades?

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                                            Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (44)

                                            • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (45)


                                              24 Apr 2016 01:03

                                              What is magicbonus and how is it different from spellbuff?

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                                              Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (46)

                                              • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (47)


                                                22 Apr 2016 17:13

                                                Does this stack with the magic/lightning damage that the Drakeblood Greatsword has?

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                                                Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (48)

                                                • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (49)


                                                  18 Apr 2016 12:13

                                                  Does upgrading a staff increase the power of this?

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                                                  Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (50)

                                                  • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (51)


                                                    17 Apr 2016 00:07

                                                    Does the weapon have to be a sword, like the item description says? Also, can I apply it to a weapon that is already infused with dark magic.

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                                                    Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (52)

                                                    • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (53)


                                                      15 Apr 2016 10:56

                                                      I put a staff in my left hand, but when I cast this on the long sword, the staff glows and the sword does not. What am I doing wrong?

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                                                      Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (54)

                                                      • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (55)


                                                        14 Apr 2016 21:32

                                                        perfect for assassins.

                                                        ReplyReplies (1)


                                                        Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (56)

                                                        • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (57)


                                                          13 Apr 2016 21:21

                                                          Does not appear to be stackable with infused weapons.

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                                                          Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (58)

                                                          • Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (59)


                                                            07 Apr 2016 21:42

                                                            Is it confirmed to last 90 secs? It lasts longer than the others.

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                                                          Magic Weapon | Dark Souls 3 Wiki (2024)


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