Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (2024)

Last Updated: By Linnie 20 Comments

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Gluten Free Drop Biscuits are by far the easiest and tastiest biscuits you’ll ever make. Perfectly mimicking those Bisquick biscuits I grew up on.

(Gluten Free, Dairy Free friendly)

Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (1)

My mother was the bisquick queen. It’s what we grew up on, along with Jiffy Blueberry Muffins and Beef Stroganoff. She’s always been all about the no-fail recipes … andddd obviously I can’t eat any of those anymore.

Take me back to my childhood, Gluten Free Drop Biscuits.

These did not fail me. I’ve made the full fledged gluten-free cut out biscuits before and they are delicious but, let’s face it, I am lazy. If we have not established this after 3 years … I AM LAZY.

When I was a kid, Drop Biscuits were an addition to almost every meal.

  • For breakfast with honey, YESSSS.
  • Lunch with some peanut butter and jelly.
  • Dinner with any kind of dish you could imagine. Guaranteed they would be on the side to our Honey Mustard Pressure Cooker Pork Chops.
  • Dessert with Strawberries! (Coming Soon)

Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (2)

As I said, my mother was the drop biscuit queen. I happily take that torch and run with it … and you’re more than welcome to join me.

Simply whisk together your dry ingredients, mash in your butter to create a fine meal and then fold in your wet ingredients. It is that easy.

Even though I practically grew up on Bisquick before and have to say, these gluten-free drop biscuits are way better. (Sorry Bisquick.)

TIP: I’ve found they are super moist and are fabulous for traveling BUT will get a little moldy by the second day if just left on the counter. Best if you store them in the refrigerator or plan to eat them quickly.

Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (3)

I took them with me on our Jamaica adventure and they were PERFECT for the trip there.

So whether you want to become the drop biscuit queen or you simply want some darn gluten-free biscuits that are quick and easy to make, we’ve got you covered.

RECIPE NOTE: For some reason readers have reported having a very different result than what we have experienced when testing and making these ourselves. We cannot figure out how they are getting these results but have a few theories.

Butter. You want to make sure that the biscuit batter is cold. If the butter is warm we’ve found they will spread out a bit more.

Try using 1/2 cup of milk to start as some readers have reported having better luck with this amount.

Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe


Gluten free, dairy free


Gluten Free Drop Biscuits are by far the easiest and tastiest biscuits you’ll ever make. Perfectly mimicking those bisquick biscuits I grew up on. (Gluten Free, Dairy Free friendly)

Yield: 12

Prep Time:10 min

Cook Time:15 min

Total Time:25 min


  • 2 cups gluten-free baking flour
  • 2 Tablespoons sugar
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 cup cold butter, cubed (or dairy-free butter alternative)
  • 2 eggs (we've tested with flax eggs and they've worked well)
  • 1/2 cup - 1 cup milk (or dairy-free milk alternative) **SEE NOTES IN POST ABOVE RECIPE CARD**


  • 1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F.
  • 2. Prepare a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • 3. In a large bowl whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.
  • 4. With a pastry dough cutter (or a fork) cut butter into flour mixture until butter is fully cut into the flour and it resembles small pebbles.
  • 5. Stir in eggs and milk.
  • 6. Drop 2 Tablespoons of dough onto baking sheet, 2 inches apart from each biscuit.
  • 7. Bake for 11-15 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean and tops begin to brown.

Author: Linnie

Recipe Video:

Nutrition Information:

Serving size: 1 biscuit
Calories: 90
Other nutrition information: Total Fat: 1.5g , Saturated Fat: .3g , Trans Fat: 0g , Cholesterol: 30mg , Sodium: 210mg , Total Carb: 17g , Dietary Fiber: 2g , Total Sugars: 2g , Protein: 4g

Recipe, images, and text © Veggie Balance

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Reader Interactions


  1. Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (15)MomEH says

    These were super easy (which can be tricky with GF) and super delicious. The whole family loved them! Thank you for sharing this recipe!!


    • Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (16)Lindsay says

      So glad you and your family enjoyed it! These is a family favorite of ours too! 🙂


  2. Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (17)d mazee says

    these were pretty easy and tasted good BUT they left a bad aftertaste… i think they just have way too much baking powder.


  3. Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (18)Anita Curry says

    I followed the recipe exactly and the biscuits turned out looking like pancakes. Really disappointing.


    • Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (19)Lindsay says

      Mmm it sounds like something went wrong. The batter is a little wet but 100% should not flatten into pancakes. What type and/or brand of flour did you use?


      • Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (20)Ronni King says

        I really liked this recipe! I used Namaste flour and was hoping my baking soda was not too old. I mixed it op then put parchment on the pan, got a call so talked for maybe 5 minutes. When I went back to the bowl the mix was rising a little. They turned out so well that I will probably use this recipe forever!!❤️


    • Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (21)Alexa says

      Mine also turned into pancakes… I used Bob’s Red Mill Gluten free Flour.


    • Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (22)Anna says

      I made them too and this batter is wayyyy too sloppy. It should be more like half the amount of milk. Why did I notice this before pouring the whole cup in?!


  4. Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (23)Clairabelle says

    Can you clarify something – the recipe says 1 cup of milk but the amount of milk used in the video looks like a LOT less. 1 cup seems like it would make a very liquid batter. Thanks!


    • Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (24)Lindsay says

      We’ve tinkered with this recipe even more since that video and have found we actually prefer the 1 cup of milk results. Now that is with the flour blend we use though so by all means start with 1/2 cup (thats what you see in the video) and adjust from there if need be.Hope this helps!


  5. Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (25)Angel says

    I added a bit more cold butter and used coconut milk instead of regular. Then I folded cranberries into the mixture. The trick to drop biscuits is NOT to mix batter too much. Should be sticky and thick. Mine turned out perfect!


  6. Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (26)Julie says

    These turned out melt-in-your-mouth delicious!
    I used coconut oil (as a soft solid); 1.75 tablespoons coconut palm sugar; one real egg and one Egg-Beaters ‘egg’; and Bob’s Red Mill gluten free flour. Also, rolled them into two inch balls and flattened them a bit with my fingers. Delicious!


    • Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (27)Lindsay says

      Thank you Julie! I’m glad you enjoyed them 🙂


  7. Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (28)Valerie says

    Mine turned out like pancakes too I used bob mills baking mix and a cup of soy milk


    • Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (29)Lindsay says

      Was there tiny pieces of butter still visible? I’m wondering if perhaps the dough was too warm.. Kind of like when cookie dough isn’t chilled enough. I make these all the time so I really can’t find and diagnose this issue that people are having.


  8. Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (30)Cheryl says

    These drop biscuits were easy and delicious. I cut the recipe in half and yummy! Thank you first gluten free biscuit I truly enjoyed. Yummy plain with butter and also with biscuits and gravy! Thank you! Stars would not clock….I give 5 stars!


  9. Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (31)nicole says

    i followed your recipe to the letter with dairy free alternatives for the butter and milk, and ended up with cookies rather than biscuits. totally flat. still tasty but not what i was going for. upon reading the comments i see you suggest starting with half a cup of milk rather than the full cup as stated in the recipe- i was disappointed to read that in the comments after they were in the oven. maybe that’s a good revision to the recipe itself to avoid this for others in the future?


  10. Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (32)Margaret Schade says

    Can I make the biscuits in the morning and then heat them in the evening in the microwave or oven?


  11. Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (33)Kristi says

    Love these biscuits!! And so does my family with small kids. But, please note that the nutrition facts listed at the end of this recipe are off. (I calculated 157 calories, 8.5g fat, 16.4g carb, and 3.3g protein, with Stevia instead of sugar, 2 whole eggs, and unsweetened almond milk.)


  12. Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (34)Jessi P says

    Just made these and they came out great!! Used 1/2 cup almond milk, cup 4 cup flour, forager vegan butter, a lil vanilla extract and they came out just like I had hoped. Not as fluffy looking as yours but still a nice size and great texture/taste. Next time I plan to make them larger and just do 8 instead of 12. Will deff make again!


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Unbelievable Gluten Free Drop Biscuits Recipe (2024)


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Author: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.