These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (2024)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (1)

It is important for a high school teacher to create an affable atmosphere in their class, especially since they are dealing with teens. The only way to get students interested in the classroom activities is to herald an element of fun through icebreakers.

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (2)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (3)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (4)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (5)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (6)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (7)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (8)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (9)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (10)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (11)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (12)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (13)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (14)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (15)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (16)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (17)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (18)

Besides creating an amiable atmosphere in a classroom situation, icebreakers are employed to soothe and ease the participants (here students). It is an activity that helps the students to interact with their peers and teachers at a personal level, rather than a formal interaction. It basically works as an aid/tool to help the teacher analyze the students entrusted to their care, thus making the teaching-learning process a little less complicated.

There are two types of icebreakers that can be employed to make the students feel comfortable in the new environment. While facilitating introductions help participants ease into their training module, topic lead-ins cater to identifying the needs and goals of the course/module.

Introductory icebreakers are help both, the teacher and the students get out enough primary information about one another to help them get comfortable. Topic lead-ins can be employed by the teacher to introduce the module in order to generate interest in the particular topic to be covered. The activities often involve word play like crosswords, word tree, etc., besides, the teacher can also conduct multiple choice tests and quizzes to get the class interested.

How many spots have you?

Things required: lipstick.

How to go about:To conduct this icebreaker, you need to get your students seated in a circle, get them to introduce themselves. The rule here is to ask everyone to pay attention to the names being called out. Once everyone has introduced themselves, ask them to repeat after you, “I have no spots on my face, how many have you?”

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (19)

The rule for playing “How many spots have you?”

Every one has to repeat the sentence without fumbling, this has to be followed by another participants name.
Example: I have no spots on my face, how many have you, Isabelle?
Isabelle: I have no spots on my face how many have you ______(name of another person)?

Where’s the fun?:
The person who fumbles with the sentence gets a lipstick spot on his/her face.

What next:
The game continues with the person who has a spot on his/her face saying, “I have __ (the number of spots on the face) spot/s on my face, how many have you, ___?”. The game continues till you have someone with maximum number of spots on the face.

☀Even this game can be played by children in schools. You can replace the lipstick with paint and paint brush. They will have more fun in playing the game.

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (20)

Animal Kingdom

Things required:Strips of paper and pens.

How to go about:Distribute the strips of paper to each student and ask them to jot down the name of an animal on it. Then collect the strips of paper, shuffle it and ask them to pick up a strip of paper each. At the word go, they have to find their partners or groups – as the case be – thus forming their own family.

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (21)

Each animal has to be represented by an action and no one is allowed to speak a word.
Example: A bird will be shown by flapping the hands, while an elephant can be depicted by wrapping an arm around the nose while the other arm extends away from the nose thus forming a trunk.

Where’s the fun?:If you are in for a little bit of chaos, this is the perfect icebreaker, as each member tries to find his/her family.

What next: Once they have found their family, they ought to introduce themselves to each other. They then form a leader, who will introduce the members of the group to all the other groups that have formed.

☀Children in junior school can also play this game. They can have more fun while playing, as they can stick the chits on their forehead and then they can start representing the animal.

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (22)

Name Chain

Things required: A basketball.

How to go about:Take your class and head outdoors. Ask your students to form a circle, and have a ball game. All you got to do is, pass the ball around and ask your students to introduce themselves.

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (23)

The rule for playing “Name Chain”

The person passing the ball has to introduce themselves with an adjective starting with their initial alphabet. The person who gets the ball next has to introduce not just himself, but repeat the earlier persons description.
Example: Joyce starts the game she introduces herself as joyful Joyce, the next person has to repeat this description along with his/her name. Which means he/she ends up saying, joyful Joyce, tiny Tom, and so on.

Where’s the fun?:The sequence has to be followed, which means they have to pay close attention to what is being said.

What next:The game continues till everyone has had their share of fumbling and recalling the names of all the others.

☀Children in junior high school can play this icebreaker game. Children can also play this game outdoors.

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (24)

Mingle! Mingle!

Things required: Strips of paper and pens/pencils.

How to go about:Start by distributing the strips of paper and ask everyone to pen down a question on the strip of paper provided. Then, ask your students to circle the class/hall shouting ‘Mingle! Mingle!’ till you say stop. While they settle down, they have to ask the question that they have penned down to the person in front of them. Give them 30 seconds to interrogate each other before beginning all over again.

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (25)

The rule for playing “Mingle! Mingle!”

The main intention is to get the students involved in the game, encourage them to mingle with each other by asking questions.
Example: Students start making circle and then pen down their questions. Like Janice has written “Meaning of name” and then she gets this to ask Joy. So, then Joy can answer directly or add some funny facts and stories.

Where’s the fun?: The main fun part lies asking funny and weird questions.

What next:This continues when all children are finished with their questions.

☀This game can be played by students of any age group, in elementary, junior school and even in high school. This game is flexible, that is, can be played indoors as well as outdoors.

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (26)

Pinterest Board

Things required: 5 pins per student, 5 sheets of colored paper (400*400) each, and felt pens.

How to go about: Distribute the sheets of paper, felt pens and pins amongst the students. The idea is to get the students make a pictorial presentation of themselves and pin it up on the soft board/sheet of paper.

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (27)

The rule for playing “Pinterest Board”

On the same lines as Pinterest, every picture should be given an attractive caption. Students can create stick diagrams or animated cartoons to depict their interests.

Where’s the fun?:Students can get creative and have loads of fun while doing it all by themselves.

What next: The game finishes when all children have completed putting up their pictures.

☀Students of any age group can participate in this game. Children can draw, paint, and even use cut outs.

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (28)

Fear Bag

Things required: Strips of paper and a big bag to collect the paper.

How to go about: Distribute strips of paper to each student and ask them to pen down their deepest fear, without mentioning their name. After a couple of minutes collect the strips of paper into the bag, shuffle and ask students to analyze the strip of paper that they pull out.

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (29)

The rule for playing “Fear Bag”

While analyzing the fears of others, most of them will be able to come to terms with their own fears.

Where’s the fun?:Well, this is a serious game, but a healthy one. The teacher who organizes the game can be acquainted with her students fears and she can help them to overcome their insecurities and phobias.

What next: Continue the game till everyone has discussed their own and others fear.

☀This is a very important game for students of all age groups. Everyone has their own fear and especially children in elementary school are good to start with. Their teacher can talk and discuss their fears and give it out a way of overcoming them.

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (30)

You can come up with your own set of icebreakers. You can tweak the existing games and make it to your liking. Keep the end result in mind though, before you plan out the activities for your students. And remember, to make it fun!

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (31)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (32)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (33)

These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (34)

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These Icebreakers for High School Students are Beyond Awesome (2024)


What is the best ice breaker question for high school students? ›

Icebreaker Questions for High School Students
  • What was your first email address?
  • What is your favorite subject?
  • What class would you wish the school is offering?
  • What do you miss the most about kindergarten?
  • What career would you want to have when you grow up?
  • What is your most favorite subject?

Would you rather ice breaker for high school students? ›

To make this icebreaker work the question must be a 'yes or no' or would you rather kind of question with only two answer choices.
  • Would you rather be invisible for a day or be able to fly for a day?
  • Live on a desert island or in Antarctica?
  • Breakfast or Dinner for every meal?
  • Only be able to play sports or read books?
Mar 1, 2023

What to say for school icebreakers? ›

1. What's your favorite rainy day activity?7. What's your favorite animal?
3. What's one of your favorite traditions?9. What's your favorite series & why?
4. If you won $1 million, how would you spend it?10. If you could meet someone famous, who would it be & why?
3 more rows

What to do instead of icebreakers? ›

Here are some games you can add in place of icebreakers and why they work. Strike a name pose: Stand in a circle, and have each person give their name and strike a pose to go with it. Each person repeats every name and pose. Repeat until people are confident in everyone's names--it takes several rounds.

What are the best 3 icebreaker questions? ›

Get to know your team icebreakers
  • Where did you grow up?
  • What day in your life would you like to relive?
  • What is the kindest act you have ever done?
  • Describe yourself in three words.
  • What was your dream job as a kid?
  • What are the top three items on your bucket list?
  • What movie scene is worthy of an Oscar?
Dec 23, 2022

What is a really good ice breaker question? ›

Energizing and Funny Icebreaker questions
  • If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • What's your go-to karaoke song and why?
  • If you could only eat one favorite food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • Imagine you're an infamous villain.
Nov 24, 2023

What is a fun quick ice breaker? ›

Two Truths and One Lie

A simple and classic ice breaker game. Each employee shares three statements about themselves – two truths, and one lie. Then, everyone tries to guess which is the lie by asking questions.

What's a good icebreaker question? ›

Team Icebreaker Questions
  • If our team was a landscape, what would it be and why?
  • What would you like the team to look like in one year from now?
  • What fictional team from a movie or TV show do you think our team resembles the most?
  • If our team had a theme song, what would it be?
Feb 21, 2024

What is the Find 4 icebreaker? ›

Each instruction tells them to “find four” classmates who meet different criteria such as “find four classmates who have a dog.” It's up to your students to wander the room and ask their peers questions about themselves to see if they can “find four!”

What is the most common icebreaker? ›

Best Icebreaker Questions for Meetings
  • What's is one thing we don't know about you?
  • What is your favorite meal to cook and why?
  • Are you a morning person or a night person?
  • What is your favorite musical instrument and why?
  • Are you a cat person or a dog person?
  • What languages do you know how to speak?
  • Popcorn or M&Ms?
Sep 17, 2021

How to break the ice with high school students? ›

Try These High School Icebreakers
  1. Video Introductions. In a classroom filled with 30 kids, there are bound to be some who dread the self-introduction. ...
  2. Picture Charades. ...
  3. Say It in Six. ...
  4. Would You Rather... ...
  5. Number Facts Pass. ...
  6. Vocabulary Categories Game. ...
  7. Dear Future Me.

Why don't people like icebreaker activities? ›

They're pointless. People value their time. And they'll respect you more when they believe you value their time as well. If an icebreaker is executed just for the sake of having an icebreaker at your meeting, it feels pointless and like a waste of time.

What to do instead of fun facts? ›

Essentially, instead of having each person share a fun fact, you go around the room and have each participant...
  • Say their name,
  • Share their title (or major),
  • Where they're from (people LOVE to know where someone's from), and…
  • Answer a completely random question from a grab-bag stock of questions.
Jan 3, 2022

Why do I hate ice breakers? ›

Most people hate classic ice breakers because they often feel silly. As an example, asking a person what “candy” they'd like to be, or sharing their best activity last week is well intended, yet often not very meaningful. The primary reason is that the core premise may be flawed.

What are some great icebreaker questions? ›

Icebreaker questions for small groups
  • What's your one piece of advice to everyone here?
  • What question do you wish people would ask you?
  • What is one thing we would never guess about you?
  • What's one thing you want to do in life but don't know where to start?
  • What's a cause or purpose you deeply believe in?

What is 20 questions game for high school students? ›

The oldest player is IT and goes first. Have them think of a person, place or thing, without saying it aloud. Each other player can ask up to 20 yes or no questions to try and guess the answer! After asking 20 questions or guessing the correct answer (whichever comes first, switch turns at being IT.

What are the best ice breaker questions for youth groups? ›

If you could change one thing about our culture, what would it be? If you could visit any country, where would you go and why? If you could have any superpower, what would it be? If you could live in the world of any book, movie, tv show, or video game, what would it be and why?


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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.