Miso-Butter Roasted Broccoli Recipe (2024)



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I’ve found when roasting veg in the oven, warming up the sheet pan with the olive oil for ten or so minutes before adding the veggies helps caramelize faster and makes for tastier sides.

Doc Mott

This is interchangeable with cauliflower


I made this once and forgot the lime. It was fine but nothing amazing. Then made it again and remembered the lime and it was like an entirely different dish. So good! Don’t forget the lime!!


Cannellini beans sautéed in a little miso butter make an excellent addition to the broccoli.


Used ghee instead of butter as suggested, mainly for easier mixing with the miso. Cooked broccoli slightly longer but I prefer to roast veggies on the longer side. Otherwise I followed the recipe and it was the star of the meal, no parm needed.

Kentfield Barbara

I mixed the miso, butter and juice from lime together before hand and simply tossed it with broccoli.

Jennifer O

Miso & broccoli. . . hmmm . . . Asian grain bowl! Made this today (without butter) to add with quinoa/barley, edamame, sh*takes, purple cabbage, kale, leftover roasted delicata with soy/ginger/sesame dressing. Delicious, highly adaptable recipe to keep.


Delicious! Skipped the salt because the miso itself is plenty salty. I use a bowl to toss the broccoli in olive oil & seasonings at the start, so I found it easier to put the roasted broccoli back in the bowl and mix with the miso/butter mixture for a more even coating.


A nice addition to the miso butter is lemon or orange zest. It goes with most roasted veggies and particularly well with broccoli, as suggested here (with lemon), or with sweet potatoes (orange).


How about for halved Brussels sprouts? We are always looking for new ways to roast them.


Re: adding miso butter after roasting broccoli. Yes that is how I read this recipe. Miso burns easily so it makes sense to add at the end of cooking.

May Lynn

Very tasty! Only had red miso which has a stronger flavor so I used 1 tsp.


Oh, the heartbreak of too-chewy broccoli. Did I not use enough oil? Did I roast it too long? Not long enough? Did I offend the gods in some way? A sad end for a lovely crown of organic broccoli. The miso butter was nice, if a bit salty.


One of the easiest, most delicious things I’ve ever made from this site. Omg. I had to stop myself from eating all of it before I even got it into the serving dish. If helpful, I heated the baking sheet in the oven during preheating, and then placed the florets cut side down onto the tray to get some browning.

P Park

Absolutely delicious! I will never steam broccoli again. Who knew it could be this tasty?

450 instead

Found that roasting on 450 for a slightly shorter amount of time or 425 and then bumping it up at the last minute can make a nice texture difference. Then again, I was tripling the recipe for a holiday, so I had more moisture in the over to start with.


Use 1 lb turkey and 1 small container of baby bella mushrooms. Baked for 20 at 350


I think the olive oil is unnecessary, since the miso butter makes it plenty greasy.


Delish! No worries if you don’t have butter nor ghee because olive oil is just fine and great for the non-dairy eaters. Miso is salty enough -skip the salt. 17 mins at 400•F is plenty if you want flavor and texture without charring.

Yael Reiner

Oh wow, this is the best broccoli my husband & I have ever had!


Roast 20 min


This was really great, super quick to whip up and on it's own makes for a great snack


I made this tonight for the second time, bereft as the broccoli was roasting to realize I was out of white miso. I subbed with red miso but cut quantity in half, and per advice I read online, added a dash of sugar. It was delicious - maybe better than the first time I made it as written. Who knew broccoli could be so good???


Oven should be on "roast" at 425. Delish. So easy. Lime squirt definitely enhances.


This is an upgrade from my usual squeeze of lemon and Parmesan. Added a can of beans for some protein. Didn't want to share with the fam. Agree that you don't want to skip the lime. Might try with cabbage next.


Delicious!!NYT Cooking works magic every single time. Thank you.


So delicious and easy. I've played around with replacing the lime juice with different types of vinegar (champagne and celery vinegar were my favorites) and they still came out amazing. After mixing in the butter/miso mixture and acid into the broccoli, I like leaving them in the oven for a couple of minutes so the glaze firms up a bit.


Miso butter is great on all roasted vegetables!


So I made this tonight. I was making it to go along with a sriracha-soy-sesame over egg noodles dish. Everything was going great until I accidentally put the sriracha-soy-sesame sauce on the roasted broccoli. At a loss for only a moment, I stirred the miso-butter sauce intended for the broccoli over the egg noodles instead. The result was delicious! Moral of the story, do not multitask while cooking dinner but if you do, and make a mistake, roll with it and you may be pleasantly surprised.

Nancy K

God I love this. Made for the 2nd time last night and ate it -- the whole head of broccoli -- standing up. Okay so maybe that speaks to something else. But what I'm saying is this is good. Salty, buttery, broccoli roasted dark of winter good.

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Miso-Butter Roasted Broccoli Recipe (2024)


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