Groundhog Repellent: 19 Ways To Get Rid Of Them Permanently (2024)

The groundhog is known by several names across North America, such as the woodchuck, whistle pig, and land beaver. As we all know, groundhogs are attracted to the taste of freshly grown fruits and vegetables.

They will eat the lawn to the ground and leave nothing but barren dirt behind. It’s known for burrowing holes and tunnels into the ground, becoming a very destructive pest for lawns and gardens.

This guide will walk you through the best ways, including the use of groundhog repellent, to stop them from destroying your garden. By educating yourself about their habits and habitat, you can make the most informed decisions about the steps you can take to repel them.

How to identify groundhog damage?

Groundhogs are excellent diggers, and often they form an extensive tunnel system (usually 10–12 inches long) that weakens the ground. This may cause extensive structural damage to property or result in injuries.

Besides, they’re voracious eaters that can damage the whole garden in a short bit of time. Before you start taking countermeasures, it’s vital that you first identify that the groundhogs had caused the damage.

Here are some ways you can quickly identify groundhog damage.

  • You hear distinctive squeaking bark and observe them running around in the yard. The groundhog is also named “whistle pig” as they produce high pitch whistling noise.
  • You find multiple tunnels or openings in the ground across the garden. Groundhog is notorious for making several different tunnels to keep their escape route ready.
  • You will observe damage to vegetables and fruits with about 1/2-inch-wide teeth marks on them.
  • There will be chewed-up branches and plants that may resemble damage caused by beavers.
  • A large number of dirt mounds in front of a ground hole as groundhogs actively dig underground and moves dirt to the hole opening.

How to get rid of groundhogs?

Groundhogs are one of the most common pests across the nation. These notorious rodents are famous for burrowing in the ground and eating anything green within their sight. Unfortunately, groundhogs are known for harassing people by ruining their yards and gardens.

If you want to get rid of these pests, follow these tips.

1. Use Homemade Groundhog Repellent

Groundhog repellents are the easiest way to control the pest population in the yard. There are two most common types of effective repellent that you can have:

  1. Chemical-based groundhog repellent
  2. Homemade repellent

Chemical Repellent:A chemical-based repellents are very effective and easy to apply around fencing and the perimeters of your garden. You may often find these repellents sold in home stores, garden centers, or you can order them online.

You have to be careful when using chemical repellent. It can be harmful to pets and humans, depending on the ingredient inside.

Human Urine:This may sound absurd, but several gardening experts vouch for using male human urine spray as a kind of “groundhog repellent.” The idea is that the smell of human urine will repel the animals.

In the past, people have used urine as a natural fertilizer and to fight weeds, so it’s not surprising that it’s an idea that comes up repeatedly.

Coyote Urine:Coyote urine made repellent is very effective in keeping groundhogs away. It’s an organic way to reinforce the “keep out” message for rodents.

You canbuy coyote urine spray, or you can make your own by buyingdried coyote urine granulesonline as an active ingredient.

Spraying your garden with coyote urine won’t harm other animals. It won’t harm you but will repel groundhogs and other garden pests.

For best perimeter protection, you have to respray it after rain or watering your lawn. The good thing is that people will hardly notice the urine smell. But groundhog’s sensitive nose and keen sense of smell find it threatening to their survival without needing toxic chemicals.

Best Groundhog Repellent in 2024

2.Apply Groundhog Repelling Scents

You can keep your yard safe from unwanted critters by applying a repelling scent every spring. You can use items available in your home to make these repelling sprays.

For example, you can make garlic pest repellent by crushing garlic cloves and squeezing the juice into a bottle. Fill it with a dishwater soap and spray it near the groundhog burrows.

You can make the same solutions usingcayenne pepperorred pepper. Keep the solution potent by not diluting it too much. Usually, mix 2–3 teaspoons of pepper with a quarter amount of water and fill it in a pepper spray bottle.

It’s safe to use a homemade organic repellent than using harmful chemicals. This homemade repellent is non-toxic and doesn’t harm soils, making it suitable to use around vegetable plants and fruits.

3.Spread Human Hair Clippings

Groundhogs are naturally scared of humans and don’t like human proximity. You can spread short human hair clippings to areas where groundhogs visit to deter them from coming back.

You can wrap hair in a mesh bag to prevent it from blowing away from your yard. If you need some hair, you can get hair clippings from local barbershops.

4.Sprinkle Epsom Salts

You may be surprised to learn thatEpsom salthas many uses that have nothing to do with soaking tired feet. You can sprinkle it near the groundhog burrows that deter them.

Epsom salt is a natural mineral salt without any harmful effects. You can find it in the pharmacy section of your local store or a home store. Be aware that some Epsom salt is mixed with ammonia which is toxic when ingested.

Groundhog Repellent: 19 Ways To Get Rid Of Them Permanently (1)

5.Apply Castor Oil Around Burrow Holes

Castor oil is a very effective natural pesticide. It’s natural because it’s derived from a plant and not manufactured in a lab. It works by smothering groundhogs.

You can mix a tablespoon ofcastor oilin a gallon of water and a small amount of liquid dish to prepare natural repellents. Spray these woodchuck repellents around the groundhog holes and the places they like to visit.

You shouldn’t spray it near the edible plants as you shouldn’t consume castor oil. You may have to reapply it after rain or watering your garden.

6. Install Fence Around The Garden

If your yard is suffering from the wrath of a groundhog, you can use fences as a simple and effective way to stop them from damaging your yard.

To keep fencing remain effective, ensure it goes up to 3 to 4 feet in the ground and install an “L-shaped” fence to prevent groundhog digging around.

Some people recommend using chicken wire, but that becomes ineffective if the groundhog finds any small opening to dig underneath it.

7. Catch And Relocate With A Live Trap

Catching groundhogs using a live trap is the most effective and humane way to deal with these pesky rodents. You can set a live trap baited with apples, corn, sunflower seeds, or peanut butter.

You should set up a baited live trap at the groundhog burrow entrance. To make it not suspicious to groundhogs, you can conceal it with grass and leaves. But before you use this strategy, check your local by-law as you may need to get a permit.

8. Turn On The Motion-Activated Sprinkler

The abovelive trappingmethod works effectively to catch and relocate the pesky groundhog that keeps digging up your garden. But it’s easier and less troublesome to scare it away with a sprinkler or hose.

You just need to decide what method you should use. The best approach is to water the area around your garden and drench the groundhog. A motion-activated sprinkler works best to spook groundhogs and scare them enough to deter returning.

9. Maintain Lawn By Mowing Grass And Trimming Shrubs

Here is the truth, the key to keeping groundhogs away from your yard is to deny them what they want most: cover and food.

By keeping the grass short, clearing piles of debris, and ensuring there are no shrubs within the groundhog’s reach, you can effectively keep them out.

A neatly maintained lawn by regularly cutting shrubs short or mowing lawns will eliminate groundhog covers. This will scare them to stay in the open and encourage them to find better and safe spots.

10. Feed Juicy Fruit Chewing Gum

You can eliminate them by feeding juicy fruit chewing gum. Groundhogs find the smell and high sugar content very appealing. Place these chewing gums inside the groundhog holes and wait for a few days.

The chewing gum clogs their digestive tracts, making them unable to eat and digest food. Due to lack of food, groundhogs eventually die.

11. Fill Groundhog Burrow With Tunnel Fill

Tunnel fillis a new product in a market that absorbs water and swells several times its size. It’s a great way to trap groundhogs in the burrow or prevent them from making a home in any existing hole.

Filling holes with tunnel fill also prevents the weakened and hollow ground from sinking, reducing injury risk.

Groundhog Repellent: 19 Ways To Get Rid Of Them Permanently (2)

12. Scare Groundhogs

You can scare groundhogs through physical means such as installing pinwheels or shiny objects. Placing dummy predator statues such asowlor fox scares groundhogs, and they don’t dare to get into your yards.

13. Smoke Tunnel With Firebombs

You can buy a commercialsmoke firebombto kill groundhogs inside a burrow. These firecracker-sized sticks are easy to use. You simply insert the smoke firebomb in the burrow and light it up.

Cover the hole with provided cover and spread dirt around it to prevent smoke from escaping. You have to ensure that groundhogs don’t have any other escape route, and they’re inside the burrow when you lit the smoke bomb.

It’s preferred that you first mark the burrows where groundhogs live and use smoke at night when they’re likely resting inside.

14. More Frequent Garden Watering

One way to keep these pests away from your yard is to water your lawn more often than you would typically do. Groundhogs don’t like wet feet, so they will avoid the area where they feel the dampness.

The wet ground prevents the groundhog from making a tunnel system as it increases the risk of ground collapse. This is a very straightforward and effective way to discourage groundhogs from returning to your yard.

15. Let Loose Pets In The Garden

Keep your yard free of groundhogs by using pets to repel them. If you have a dog or cat in your home, you can allow them to play in the yard.

Groundhogs consider them as predators and keep away where these animals are present. It’s a no-cost but effective solution.

16. Spread Soiled Kitty Litter

While some people may think it’s gross, grimy, and possibly even dangerous to use soiled cat litter to repel a pesky groundhog, others swear by it.

If you’re a gardener who has trouble with groundhogs digging up your plants, you can try putting some of the soiled cat litter out in the garden. Just make sure you use the unscented litter, and the scent of the litter will deter the groundhogs or other animals from digging in your garden.

Groundhog Repellent: 19 Ways To Get Rid Of Them Permanently (3)

17. Install Barbed Wires As A Deterrent

Installing barbed wire is an effective way to deter groundhogs. You can use any barbed wire to install as a groundhog barrier, but a regular barbed wire is the least effective.

It doesn’t have enough sharp points to make it uncomfortable for the groundhogs to walk on, and they don’t have to worry about getting hurt anymore.

Using a sharp barbed wire makes rodents uncomfortable, and they tend to find better and safer places to make a home.

18. Ultrasonic Groundhog Repellent

There are severalultrasonic repellentsavailable that you can buy. Their effectiveness is hit or miss, but it’s a safety device that doesn’t involve chemicals or lethal traps.

The ultrasonic repeller frightens and controls groundhogs and other pests such as chipmunks, rabbits, and squirrels. It’s motion-activated and emits a high-frequency ultrasonic sound that’s above the audible range of humans but irritates the ears of pests.

19. Hire A Professional

Having a groundhog in your garden or other critters in your yard is a hassle. But you can take care of it yourself. If you decide to go with a professional exterminator, make sure you do your homework first.

Read online reviews, and ask family and friends for experience with pest control companies in your area. Pest control professionals typically charge by the hour, ranging from a minimum of about $50 to $100 an hour or more.

You should consider engaging them if the infestation is out of hand and you need professional help to eliminate pests.

Groundhog Repellent: 19 Ways To Get Rid Of Them Permanently (4)

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Groundhog Repellent: 19 Ways To Get Rid Of Them Permanently (2024)


How do I get rid of groundhogs permanently? ›

Sprinkle granular repellents near a groundhog's burrow and also around your garden to form a barrier, or spray them on plants to make them distasteful. Human hair, pet fur and used kitty litter may also work, along with electronic spikes that use sound or vibration and motion-activated sprinklers. Mimic predators.

What is the most effective groundhog repellent? ›

Use Spices to Your Advantage

Groundhogs dislike the smell of red pepper, cayenne pepper, lavender and garlic. Sprinkle dried versions of one or more of these around and in any burrows you find in your yard.

What smell do groundhogs hate? ›

Groundhogs hate strong odors such as ammonia, garlic, vinegar, and predator urine. Spraying these scents around your property can help to deter groundhogs from entering the area. Additionally, you can also use commercially available repellents to keep groundhogs away.

How to prevent groundhogs from returning? ›

Clear vegetation away from entrances. Put a harmless but strong-smelling substance just inside the entrance, such as urine-saturated clumps of kitty litter or a capsaicin-based repellent. Loosely seal the entrance, so the smell stays inside the burrow.

How do professionals get rid of groundhogs? ›

Fumigation: Professionals use chemicals or gases to chase groundhogs out of their burrows. This process costs between $150 and $225 and can be more dangerous than other repellents. Lethal trap: Lethal traps are a last-resort way to kill groundhogs immediately, and they're illegal in some states.

What is a home remedy to get rid of groundhogs? ›

Groundhogs hate the taste of Epsom salt. Epsom salt is one of the cheapest ways to eliminate groundhogs without harming them. It will work to drive away the groundhog if you sprinkle it around the perimeter of your garden. You also can sprinkle some near groundhog burrows to discourage them from remaining in the area.

How can I get a groundhog to leave my yard? ›

Block them out.

Surround your garden or yard with wire fencing that is at least 3 feet tall and goes at least 12 inches underground. Groundhogs won't be able to climb it, and if they run into it underground, they'll be forced to stop tunneling and to go elsewhere to set up camp.

How does Epsom salt get rid of groundhogs? ›

'Groundhogs hate the way common Epsom salt tastes,' says John Melchior from Kapture Pest Control. However, the solution is safe to eat, so introducing it into your garden ideas is safe for you and your pets.

Do groundhogs hate Irish Spring soap? ›

Now here's a problem that Ohio's farmers like you may be familiar with: groundhogs. You may not be aware that they hate the smell of Irish Spring soap bars. All you have to do is keep the soap in the wrapper, punch holes through the paper, then place the bar of Irish Spring at the entrance to their den.

What is groundhog's worst enemy? ›

The primary predators of groundhogs are hawks, foxes, coyotes, bobcats, dogs and humans. However, motorized vehicles kill many groundhogs each year.

What does mothballs do to groundhogs? ›

For whatever reason, groundhogs don't care about mothballs. When poured down a burrow, they just dig them out and they get buried in the dirt. In a garden, the animals continue to eat crops right next to mothballs. They just don't care.

Does anything repel groundhogs? ›

Garlic and Pepper – Groundhogs hate the smell of garlic and pepper, crush some up and sprinkle in their holes and around your garden to prevent them from entering. You can even mix some up in a spray bottle with water and spray it on your flowers or vegetables.

What does gum do to groundhogs? ›

Noel Falk, the “Plant Doctor” had recommended using “Double Bubble” brand bubble gum to eliminate groundhogs. Supposedly groundhogs love this particular brand of bubble gum, but once they eat it, it gums up their insides and ultimately kills them.

Do mothballs keep groundhogs away? ›

No, mothballs and ammonia do not effectively repel groundhogs or any wildlife for that matter. Mothballs, ammonia, and a host of other repellents ultimately fail in their bid to permanently dissuade the nuisance animal.

Does Epsom salt really keep groundhogs away? ›

Epsom salts are one of the best natural ways to discourage groundhogs from your yard. However, it is not the only solution that will protect your greenery without harming the rodent. John recommends growing unpalatable plants, such as wormwood, hot peppers, or catmint – a purple flowering plant with a minty scent.

How many groundhogs live together? ›

Like many animals, groundhogs are typically solitary, only coming together to mate. They do have a rather unusual greeting, however, in those rare times when they meet each other.

What are the benefits of having a groundhog in your yard? ›

Soil Aeration

When digging, groundhogs help aerate soil. Roots, like all other parts of the plant, have to respire, taking in oxygen and emitting carbon dioxide. In unturned soil, roots deplete their limited oxygen while CO2accumulates, making it hard for them to 'breathe.


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