35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (2024)

Welcome to a journey through 30 earthquake activities that will unravel the fascinating and often mysterious world of seismic events.

Earthquakes, the result of the Earth’s dynamic and restless nature, have both captivated and bewildered humans for centuries.

From the rumbling beneath the surface to the monumental forces that shape our landscapes, this collection of activities offers a hands-on exploration into the science, history, and impact of earthquakes.

Whether you’re a curious student, an enthusiastic educator, or simply someone intrigued by the power of the planet, these activities will provide insights into the causes of earthquakes, the technology used to detect and measure them, and the measures we take to mitigate their effects.

So, let’s dive into the realm of seismicity and discover the captivating world that lies beneath our feet.

Build a Shake Table Model:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (1)

Construct a simple shake table using materials like cardboard, rubber bands, and marbles. Participants can then build miniature structures using toothpicks and marshmallows to represent buildings. Place these structures on the shake table and simulate different magnitudes of earthquakes by shaking the table at varying intensities. This hands-on activity will demonstrate how buildings respond to ground vibrations and teach about structural stability during seismic events.

Seismic Waves Demonstration:

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Create a visual representation of seismic waves using a Slinky or a rope. Discuss the types of seismic waves – primary (P-waves) and secondary (S-waves) – and how they travel through the Earth. Participants can hold one end of the Slinky while someone generates waves at the other end to observe how the waves propagate and interact. This activity helps explain the concept of wave motion and how seismic waves provide insights into the Earth’s interior.

Earthquake Preparedness Drill:

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Organize an earthquake preparedness drill where participants practice “Drop, Cover, and Hold On.” Discuss the importance of knowing what to do during an earthquake to stay safe. Set up scenarios in different locations (indoors, outdoors, classrooms) and have participants practice the appropriate response. This activity promotes awareness and readiness for real-life seismic events.

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Fault Line Modeling:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (4)

Introduce the concept of faults by creating a fault line model using clay and cardboard. Participants can mold layers of clay to represent different geological formations and then simulate the movement along a fault by sliding one cardboard section over the other. This hands-on activity illustrates how earthquakes occur due to the release of accumulated stress along fault lines.

Virtual Seismology Experiment:

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Utilize online seismic databases to access real-time earthquake data from around the world. Have participants analyze the data to identify patterns, such as the Ring of Fire and earthquake frequency along tectonic plate boundaries. This virtual activity offers insights into the distribution and magnitude of earthquakes globally, fostering an understanding of the Earth’s dynamic nature.

Tectonic Plate Puzzle:

Create a puzzle featuring the world map with tectonic plate boundaries outlined. Cut the map into pieces along these boundaries. Participants must assemble the puzzle by fitting the pieces together according to the plate boundaries. As they piece together the puzzle, discuss how the movement of tectonic plates contributes to earthquake formation and distribution.

Epicenter Location Using Triangulation:

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Set up a mock earthquake scenario using a map and three “seismic stations” (representing sensors that detect ground vibrations). Participants can use the time difference between the arrival of P-waves and S-waves at each station to determine the epicenter of the earthquake using triangulation. This activity introduces the concept of locating earthquakes and the role of seismic waves.

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Building Retrofit Design Challenge:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (8)

Provide participants with various materials (e.g., cardboard, popsicle sticks, tape) and challenge them to design and build earthquake-resistant structures. Test the structures on a shake table or by simulating shaking motions to see which designs can withstand the most vigorous shaking. This activity encourages creativity while highlighting engineering principles for earthquake-resistant construction.

Earthquake Role-Play Simulation:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (9)

Develop a role-play scenario where participants take on different roles such as seismologists, emergency responders, and community leaders. They must collaborate to address the challenges posed by a fictional earthquake, making decisions to ensure public safety and effective response.

Seismogram Art:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (10)

Introduce participants to seismograms, the visual records of seismic waves captured by seismographs. Show them real seismograms of earthquakes. Then, have participants create their own artistic interpretations of seismograms using drawing materials, like pencils, markers, or even digital tools. This activity combines science and creativity, allowing participants to visually represent the energy released during seismic events.

Earthquake Simulation Game:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (11)

Develop a simple board game or digital simulation where participants make decisions to prepare for and respond to earthquakes. They can allocate resources to build infrastructure, create emergency plans, and make choices during simulated earthquakes. This activity provides a fun and interactive way to explore the complexities of disaster management.

Richter Scale Exploration:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (12)

Teach participants about the Richter scale and how it measures the magnitude of earthquakes. Provide a series of objects of varying sizes (such as marbles, balls, and books) and assign each a “Richter scale magnitude.” Have participants arrange the objects in order of increasing magnitude and discuss the exponential increase in energy as the scale progresses.

Virtual Field Trip to Seismic Monitoring Center:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (13)

Organize a virtual tour or presentation with a seismologist from a seismic monitoring center. Participants can learn about the technology and instruments used to monitor earthquakes, as well as how data is collected, analyzed, and disseminated. This activity offers insights into the real-time monitoring of seismic activity.

Shake-Proofing Structures:

Provide participants with materials (such as straws, toothpicks, and playdough) and challenge them to design and build structures that can withstand simulated earthquakes. You can use a shake table or even just shake motions by hand. After testing their structures, discuss the design principles that contribute to earthquake-resistant construction.

Geology Field Trip and Rock Collection:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (15)

Organize a field trip to a geological site where participants can observe rock formations, faults, and other geological features related to earthquakes. During the trip, participants can collect rock samples and later examine them, discussing their geological origins and relevance to seismic events.

Earthquake Artifacts Showcase:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (16)

Invite participants to create a “museum exhibit” showcasing artifacts related to earthquakes. These artifacts could include models, diagrams, informational posters, and even creative displays like dioramas depicting earthquake scenarios. This activity encourages research and presentation skills while fostering a deeper understanding of seismic events.

Earthquake Storytelling:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (17)

Encourage participants to research and select a historical or fictional earthquake event. They can then craft a short story from the perspective of someone experiencing the earthquake. This activity blends narrative creativity with an exploration of the emotional and physical impact of seismic events.

Plate Boundary Dance:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (18)

Assign participants different types of plate boundaries (convergent, divergent, transform) and have them create interpretive dance movements that represent the movements and interactions of tectonic plates at those boundaries. This engaging and active activity helps reinforce understanding of plate tectonics and their relation to earthquakes.

Volcano and Earthquake Connections:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (19)

Explore the relationship between earthquakes and volcanic activity. Participants can research and discuss how tectonic movements near volcanic regions can trigger both earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This activity highlights the interconnectedness of Earth’s geological processes.

Earthquake Virtual Reality Experience:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (20)

If possible, provide participants with a virtual reality headset that offers an immersive earthquake experience. This could involve simulating the feeling of being in different types of earthquakes and their varying intensities.

Earthquake Data Analysis:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (21)

Provide participants with a set of earthquake data, including magnitudes, depths, and locations. In small groups or individually, they can analyze the data to identify trends, such as patterns along fault lines or regions with higher seismic activity. This activity introduces data interpretation and analysis skills.

Earthquake Origami Challenge:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (22)

Introduce participants to the art of origami while incorporating earthquake themes. Provide instructions for creating origami structures that demonstrate concepts like structural stability, folding, and balance. This hands-on activity offers a unique way to explore earthquake-related concepts.

Earthquake Technology Showcase:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (23)

Have participants research and present innovative technologies used in earthquake detection, prediction, and mitigation. This can include discussing advancements in seismometers, early warning systems, building design, and disaster communication tools.

Virtual Reality Earthquake Experience:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (24)

If feasible, offer a virtual reality experience where participants can “immerse” themselves in a simulated earthquake scenario. This interactive activity can help participants gain a sense of the physical sensations and challenges people face during seismic events.

Earthquake Debate:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (25)

Organize a structured debate on a relevant topic, such as whether earthquake prediction is possible or the effectiveness of different earthquake preparedness strategies. Divide participants into teams representing different viewpoints, and encourage them to research and present well-supported arguments.

Earthquake Relief Simulation:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (26)

Create a scenario where participants take on the roles of aid workers responding to a simulated earthquake disaster. They must allocate resources, prioritize tasks, and make decisions to provide emergency relief to affected communities. This activity sheds light on the challenges of post-earthquake recovery efforts.

Earthquake Vocabulary Game:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (27)

Design a vocabulary-building game where participants match earthquake-related terms with their definitions. This can be done through flashcards, digital quizzes, or a competitive game format. By learning key terms, participants can better understand earthquake-related concepts.

Geological Time Travel:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (28)

Develop an imaginative activity where participants “travel” back in time to different geological eras and witness the movement of tectonic plates, the formation of mountain ranges, and the emergence of earthquakes. This creative exercise can deepen their understanding of Earth’s dynamic history.

Seismic Arts and Crafts:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (29)

Combine artistic expression with earthquake science by having participants create earthquake-inspired artworks using various materials. This can include drawings, paintings, sculptures, or collages that reflect the forces, effects, and emotions associated with seismic events.

Interactive Fault Models:

35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (30)

Provide participants with materials to create physical fault models using clay, sand, or other moldable substances. They can simulate different fault types, such as normal, reverse, and strike-slip faults, to understand the mechanics of earthquakes along these fault lines.


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35 Devastating Earthquake Activities for Kids - OhMyClassroom.com (2024)


How to simulate an earthquake for kids? ›

Before testing their models, show students the pan of Jell-O (without a structure on top) and tell them this represents the ground. Shake the pan back and forth in a shearing motion to simulate an earthquake.

How do you survive a 9.5 earthquake? ›

Practice the earthquake survival steps: Drop, Cover, and Hold On
  1. Drop. Drop to the floor onto your hands and knees.
  2. Cover. Find cover. Shelter under a heavy table or desk. Cover your head and neck with your arms. ...
  3. Hold On. Stay put until shaking stops.
  4. If it is safe to do so, grab your earthquake supply kit.

What is the safest place in an earthquake for kids? ›

The safest place is an interior room of your house without any windows, such as a bathroom or closet. If possible, take cover under something sturdy, like a heavy table. Practice earthquake drills. Once you've created your earthquake evacuation plan and talked with your children about it, it's time to practice.

What to do in an earthquake for kids? ›

During an earthquake, the most important thing for any child or adult to remember is to Drop, Cover, and Hold. Drop to the ground. Take Cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture. Hold on until the shaking stops.

How to make a jello earthquake? ›

Make it
  1. Follow the instructions on your Jell-o packet to fill the baking pan.
  2. Refrigerate the Jell-o according to package directions.
  3. Using the marshmallows and toothpicks, build five structures to test. Cut the toothpicks with scissors if desired.
  4. Experiment with different shapes and sizes.

How to make an earthquake simulator? ›

Create an earthquake simulator using a cardboard shoebox, marbles, and rubber bands. Children and tweens can build structures out of toothpicks and marshmallows, and use the earthquake simulator to test the structures.

Has there ever been a 12.0 earthquake? ›

No, earthquakes of magnitude 10 or larger cannot happen. The magnitude of an earthquake is related to the length of the fault on which it occurs. That is, the longer the fault, the larger the earthquake.

What would a 10.0 earthquake be like? ›

It's doubtful that there are any fault lines on Earth big enough to release a magnitude 10 earthquake, but if one happened, you could expect the ground to shake just as hard as a magnitude 9, but for a lot longer – perhaps as much as 30 minutes.

How do you survive a 7.0 earthquake? ›

If you are INDOORS -- STAY THERE! Get under a desk or table and hang on to it (Drop, Cover, and Hold on!) or move into a hallway or against an inside wall. STAY CLEAR of windows, fireplaces, and heavy furniture or appliances. GET OUT of the kitchen, which is a dangerous place (things can fall on you).

What to do in an earthquake with a baby? ›

A parent or caregiver should carefully pick up the infant, hold the child against their chest, and carry them as they protect themselves according to the guidance above. The adult's body will provide protection above and on either side of the child. DROP! COVER!

What was the worst earthquake in history? ›

1 – Valdivia, Chile, 1960

The biggest earthquake ever recorded occurred in 1960 near the city of Valdivia, Chile. With a magnitude of 9.5, it was one of the deadliest earthquakes in history, killing an estimated 5,700. The quake struck at around 15:00 local time and lasted for 10 minutes.

Is it safe to hide in a closet during an earthquake? ›

Q: Is a Closet Safe in an Earthquake? A. While a closet might offer some protection from an earthquake, experts recommend the best place to be when you are inside during an earthquake is beneath a sturdy table or desk so that your head is covered and that you are able to hold on to the table or desk.

What to do in an earthquake in a classroom? ›

If you are indoors during an earthquake: DROP to the ground, take COVER by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture, and HOLD ON until the shaking stops. If there isn't a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in a doorway or an inside corner of the building.

What are 4 things that you can do during an earthquake to be safe? ›

What to do during an earthquake
  • Stay inside. Do not get in a doorway — this does not provide protection from falling or flying objects, and you might not be able to remain standing.
  • Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Drop down to the ground so the earthquake doesn't knock you down.

How do you teach preschoolers about earthquakes? ›

Instruct preschoolers to remember the three steps in an earthquake emergency: drop, cover, and hold on. First, drop: get low to the ground. Second, cover: get under your desk or table. Third, hold on: instruct students to hold onto the legs of the desk or table until the shaking stops.

How to simulate an earthquake in the classroom? ›

Squeeze the marbles in between the two pieces of cardboard as evenly distributed as possible. If you tug on one of the cardboard pieces, it should shake. You now have your earthquake simulator!

Is it possible to create fake earthquake? ›

It might be 'theoretically' possible to use HAARP technology to create artificial earthquakes, but there is no evidence that this has ever been done. This could potentially lead to changes in the stress distribution in the Earth's crust, which could trigger earthquakes.

How to do an earthquake drill at school? ›

What do to in different classrooms
  1. Drop to the floor. ...
  2. Cover your head and neck with one hand and seek shelter under your desk or table as best as possible.
  3. If in an auditorium with no tables, take cover between the rows of chairs.
  4. Hold on to the leg of the desk/table with your other hand.
Sep 18, 2019

How do you make an earthquake in Little Alchemy? ›

Little Alchemy 2
  1. Fire + Fire → Energy.
  2. Earth + Energy → Earthquake.


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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.