10 Great Online English Courses for Beginners (2024)

Starting to learn a new language is exciting, but intimidating… where do you even start?

Many people begin their language learning journey with an app. Although apps are great tools, if you really want to learn a new language quickly, you need a clear focus and a goal.

An English course for beginners will get you speaking, writing and reading in English, step by step. There’s no need for you to do the research on what to learn — fortunately, we’ve already gathered all the materials you’ll need. And nowadays, you can learn English for beginners entirely online. You can learn a new language from your own home, which would have been unthinkable fifty years ago!

The online learning revolution has brought many benefits to people across the world. Take a look at some of the advantages of studying an English course online, and our top 10 English course recommendations. Keep reading to learn more or discover online English lessons for beginnerson Preply.

10 online English courses for beginners

When you’re just starting to learn English, you may be tempted to use all the free resources available to you, including YouTube language learning videos and apps. However, it can be difficult to find everything you need using just these resources. Want to improve your English with a structured plan? Then one of the courses below will have what you need.

1. Preply

10 Great Online English Courses for Beginners (1)

It’s not enough simply to know the ‘theory’ of the English language. You must be able to practice it regularly. Otherwise, what you learn will go to waste.

That’s why at Preply we’ve developed this course for all English levels, which is available when you connect with an online English tutor.

If you’re a working professional, your organization could benefit from the Preply Business English language training for employees or a business English course, including specialised business English course for beginners for those employees just starting their language learning journey. You can refer your company to pay for your online English courses through Preply Business. That way, you can improve your English skills at no cost.

Not only does Preply allow you to have 1-on-1 interaction with a tutor, but you can also join English group classes. The best part is that you will practice your speaking during the entire course, right from lesson one! You can also use quizzes to practice in your own time, either to warm up before your lesson or to test your knowledge after your lesson.

Recommended courses:

  • Browse Preply tutors for personalized English courses
  • Join our online English classes for beginners

2. Coursera

10 Great Online English Courses for Beginners (2)

Coursera is a world-famous online learning platform, where you can learn via video lectures, quizzes and self-paced projects. Coursera has a huge range of courses across different disciplines, such as business, data science and health and nutrition. However, they only have two courses that are specialized for English beginners. These courses cover simple conversational skills as well as business English.

After taking a 7 day free trial, these courses cost between $39 – $49 per month, which can be quite expensive. However, the faster you complete the course, the more money you can save.

Recommended courses:

  • Learn English Specialization
  • Improve Your English Communication Skills

3. Udemy: Intensive Spoken English Course

10 Great Online English Courses for Beginners (3)

In comparison to Coursera, Udemy offers a huge range of English courses for beginners. This includes their most popular course, ‘English for Beginners: Intensive Spoken English’.

No previous knowledge of English is necessary to begin the courses on Udemy. All you need is 4 hours a week to speak English when you won’t be disturbed, as well as a laptop, phone and earphones so that you can hear the pronunciation clearly. The good thing about these courses is that you can start practicing your speaking skills from the first lesson. However, keep in mind that you’ll be relying entirely on recordings for the entire course. That means you won’t get the live feedback from an English tutor. Although there’s a cost, most Udemy courses are affordable and their website often runs special offers for new learners.

Recommended courses:

  • English for Beginners: Intensive Spoken English Course
  • ESL English: Understand Native English Speakers, Beginning

4. Alison

10 Great Online English Courses for Beginners (4)

As one of the world’s first free online learning platforms, Alison offers quite a large range of English courses. You can find many English courses focusing on different topics or industries, including tourism and journalism. They also offer general business courses for beginners, with free self-study exercises such as quizzes and recordings.

Alison makes most of its money through advertising, which can make their online experience quite disruptive. But it’s worth keeping in mind that advertising is the reason why Alison can bring you all of this English study material for free.

Recommended courses:

  • Beginner Level English – Foundations
  • Fundamentals of English Grammar

5. edX

10 Great Online English Courses for Beginners (5)

edX is an online education platform supported by top US institutions like Harvard, Berkeley and MIT. These courses are free to take, but there’s a fee of up to $149 to get a certificate that proves you’ve completed one.

You can find two courses suitable for English beginners on their website, both by Tsinghua University — one of the top institutions in Asia. Students can learn at their own pace with video recordings and test their skills with practice exercises.

Recommended courses:

  • Just Reading and Writing in English
  • Conversational English Skills

6. MOOEC (Massive Open Online English Course)

10 Great Online English Courses for Beginners (6)

MOOEC is a website entirely focused on providing useful resources for ESL learners, with free online English courses from global universities and colleges. You can choose between course materials that tackle all the different skills in the English language: speaking, reading, writing and listening.

The course content has been developed for different needs, most notably business English, English for academic studies, and how to improve your skills for English exams. It combines video, quizzes and exercises for a simple, step-by-step English course experience.

Recommended courses:

  • Elementary English Course
  • Common mistakes in English

7. BBC Learn English

The BBC says proudly that they have been ‘inspiring language learning since 1943’. And you can see clearly, visiting their website, that they take English teaching seriously!

Their study resources and course materials are all up-to-date, with new exercises, quizzes and challenges added almost daily. One of the best features is that you can learn new vocabulary from the latest news stories, including the US elections. There’s plenty of material to strengthen your grammar and listening skills also. This material is completely open-access, so there’s no need to create an account or pay anything. But bear in mind that the information here is quite limited, and although a useful resource, you may need a more in-depth course to develop your skills further.

Recommended courses:

  • Basic vocabulary with 6 Minute Vocabulary
  • News Review: How to use the language from the latest news stories

8. Future Learn

10 Great Online English Courses for Beginners (7)

Future Learn has a few English courses for beginners, including courses that can help you prepare for the IELTS exam. The course materials are modern and well structured, with a mix of videos, quizzes, articles and weekly reviews to track your progress.

For the first five weeks, this course is completely free. After that, you will be asked to upgrade with a $59 cost, which includes full access to the course and a certificate of achievement to show your progress in beginners English.

Recommended courses:

  • Basic English 1: Elementary
  • Understanding IELTS: Speaking

9. Perfectly Spoken

10 Great Online English Courses for Beginners (8)

Perfectly Spoken courses are created by specialists in the IELTS and Cambridge English exams. With deep knowledge of the exams, these specialists know what it takes to create helpful course material for English beginners!

With Perfectly Spoken you can practice your speaking skills through pre-recorded video lessons. You can also test your knowledge after each lesson and download activities to practice in your spare time. These course materials allow you to practice everyday challenges in English, such as ordering in a restaurant or asking for information while traveling.

Recommended courses:

  • A1 – Elementary Online English Course
  • Everyday English course

10. ESOL Courses

10 Great Online English Courses for Beginners (9)

ESOL Courses are quite similar to MOOEC, as they contain various free course materials on each of the language skills. There is a huge range of vocabulary lists, games and quizzes available to suit any language level.

The course content is easy-to-use, and the ‘match the word with the picture’ games are very simple (perhaps too simple for intermediate learners). The course material teaches you new vocabulary specific to certain situations, such as giving personal information or polite English expressions.

Recommended courses:

  • English for Beginners – Easy Lessons, Games and Quizzes
  • English Vocabulary – Word Lists, Games, Worksheets, Lessons and Exercises

3 Ways an online English course can benefit you

It’s not an overstatement: an online English course could truly change your life. New opportunities, new connections, and new places could await you on your English learning journey. Here are some of the areas of your life that could improve.


If you’re an ambitious person who wants a career that will take you to many different places, then you’ll need to know English.

Simply knowing English dramatically increases the size of the job market available to you. Quite often, an English-speaking company will need you to know English at a B2 level (basic fluency). But some specialized roles require an even higher level (C1 – C2). A study by Cambridge English found that English language skills are important for over 95% of employers in many countries where English is not an official language.


No matter where you go, you’ll always be able to rely on your English skills. Almost 20% of the global population speaks English. Knowing just a few words can help you settle in wherever you go.

If you’re traveling, then it’s a great idea to improve your English speaking skills before you get started! By learning some essential English travel phrases, you’ll have a safer, smoother and more enjoyable traveling experience.

10 Great Online English Courses for Beginners (10)


Improving your English skills opens the door to some of the world’s top colleges and universities. Many colleges and universities in the US and UK ask for a B2 level of English to study. Not sure what level you are? Read about how to check your English language level.

Colleges and universities ask for basic fluency in English so that you are comfortable with the demands of your studies. Before you apply, you must take the TOEFL or IELTS exams to show you are qualified to attend one of these schools.

The online advantage: 5 benefits of e-learning

Online learning has grown significantly over the last decade. But since the pandemic started, it has played a central role for people around the world. Everybody is waking up to the amazing benefits of taking online courses. Here are just a few of them.

Study on your time

If you’re already working or studying, adding a traditional language course onto your busy schedule can be tricky. Luckily, online learning is extremely flexible.

Research tells us that our energy levels change throughout the day. You may be really motivated in the morning, and then feel tired just after lunchtime. With online courses, you can study when you feel at your sharpest.

Depending on the course content, you could finish an online course in just 1 week! You are in complete control of how much time you put into your online course, and when you want to study. You shouldn’t have to change your life to fit around a course. Instead, you can change your course to fit around your life.

Learn from anywhere

Online courses mean you can create your own learning environment where you will feel the most productive. The days of traveling to a course center are almost over!

One of the clearest benefits is that you can advance your skills without even having to leave the house. Imagine the time that will save on travel and setting up somewhere unfamiliar! However, some people choose to go to their favorite library or cafe. If you really wanted to, you could study from a beach in Spain — between sunbathing and swimming sessions. Study wherever you feel most comfortable!

Despite not being in a classroom, online learning still gives you the tools to speak to other learners, as well as online tutors and course creators. You can connect on forums, the course website, or on social media.

Learn from experts

Today’s teachers and professors are no longer restricted to a normal classroom. They can be accessed anywhere online!

Many courses offer the opportunity to interact with the educated people who run them. This can often be done in the comment sections, forums and email. Also, you are no longer restricted by the working hours of your teacher. With language learning platforms like Preply, you have the opportunity to speak 1-on-1 with tutors who have lots of teaching experience, at a time that suits you.

Besides that, speaking with a real person makes you learn the language faster. Research shows that repeating words in a new language out loud to somebody boosts your memory. An expert English tutor will guide you while you practice your speaking skills, to ensure you’re making progress. The online world is full of knowledge — now’s the time to access it!

Develop important skills

Focus, commitment and time management are incredible life skills. And these are just three of the many skills you’ll develop when taking an online course.

An online course keeps you on a schedule of setting goals, meeting deadlines and building a routine for your own self-development. You have to commit your time and be productive during non-working hours. The time management and dedication needed to complete an online course are valuable and impressive assets, particularly in business.

Employers appreciate when someone has used their own valuable time to improve themselves. And when you learn online, you’ll quickly see that you’ll start to develop skills that are important for the workplace — right from your own living room.

Take the more affordable option

Another clear advantage of an online course is the lower price compared to a traditional school.

This is because there are far fewer resources required to run an online course. A traditional school must pay staff and teachers and rent a building, which drives the price much higher. Also, students will have to pay to travel to the course center or college.

You can’t always assume that because the course is cheaper, it will be lower quality. You can find many online courses with professional, qualified tutors, run by well-known institutions and businesses. By researching reviews and the course information, you will quickly see if an online course deserves its price.

Speaking regularly is more effective than a course!

Many of these courses offer useful learning plans for English beginners. But the quickest way to speak English is, without doubt, to start practicing your speaking skills right away!

Many beginners feel like they need to be ‘ready’ before they start to speak English. But this is false. If you take either 1-on-1 or group lessons, you can start speaking English now. You can even have a full conversation in the first lesson. In just a few months you will see significant progress, which will feel amazing.

A professional English tutor is someone who can allow you to practice speaking regularly, without pressure or fear of making mistakes. They are a safe person for you to speak English with. A tutor will spot your most common mistakes and send you learning resources to help you improve, fast!

Whether you need English for your career, to pass an exam, or to travel, don’t wait until you’re ready to start speaking. Speak regularly alongside your course material and you’ll grow from beginner to intermediate level in no time!

Also, if you’ve advanced beyond the beginner level, check out our guide to the best online English courses for learners at all levels.

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10 Great Online English Courses for Beginners (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.